Walter Hauck (4 June, 1918 - 6 November 2006)[1] is a German SS captain famous for the atrocities made under his command during the Second world war.
Before the Second world war, he worked in the German police.[2] During the Second world war, in 1944 he was the rank of SS-('Obersturmführer) in the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, leading the 2nd company of the 12th SS Reconnaissance Battalion. He is the responsible of Ascq massacre in April 1944, where 86 civilians were shoot and the population brutalized after a sabotage on the railway.
In May 1945, he did an another massacre in Leskovice in Czechoslovakia. 26 civilians died (including a young boy of 13 y.o), 31 houses were burned down.
Hauck was judged in Lille in 1949 about Ascq massacre and was sentenced to death. After queries of Ascqer widows, the sentence was convert to imprisonment for life. In 1957, he was free and went to Germany, where lived until his death in 2006. Both in 1969 and 1977,[3] Czechoslovakia ask Germany for a punishment, but it was rejected by the Stuttgart court. In 2005, Czech republic has started an action to bring him to justice.[3][4]